Home Tour: Basement

The basement is the only room in the house that's not exactly done, and that's mostly because we


use it.  It's the only room that we haven't painted (and probably won't) because we actually didn't mind the color.  Really the only useful thing we did down here was turn an old closet that had no doors into a dog nook.  And while doing that, I happened to notice the basement used to be the color of the

old guest bathroom

upstairs, so it makes me appreciate the current color that much more!

Eventually, I'd love to do one or two hanging chairs down here and do something to take advantage of the ridiculously tall ceilings (maybe 12 feet).  For now it's just a basement that holds our extra things, music accessories, and our puggle while we're out of the house.  Hey, at least she likes her little nook.

And yes, these pictures are awful.  This basement has absolutely no light whatsoever and artificial light photography just ain't my jam. At all.

But cute puggles are!

xo, Laura 

PS The corner gallery wall are the pictures we used at our

In Loving Memory table

from our wedding.  They make the basement so much more warm and inviting. I love those old pictures!