Great Weekend, Blah Monday

This weekend was great and filled with new adventures.  Friday night we went to public night at the observatory in town.  Now I don't know about you guys, but I (and I know Anthony too) was expecting some telescopes to look through and some people who knew some stuff.  It was so far from that it's not even funny.  

The observatory was beautiful and filled with lots of little tidbits (almost like a museum).  

click for credit

When we got inside, there was only one telescope and it was gigantic, and no, you don't put your eyes up to it - that's how big it was.  After listening to some lectures, we found out that when this telescope was donated to this observatory (1885 I believe) it was the largest telescope in the United States and second largest in the world.  Pretty cool.  Here's an old picture of it (looks exactly the same now). 

click for credit

Our second awesome adventure for the weekend was a Polo match! A winery near us does a polo match every Sunday where you can buy a bottle of wine, pull up your car, lawn chairs, bring your pup, and just watch the game.  It was really cool (though Tessa was a bit hot) and I got to practice my panning technique with photography. Enjoy! We sure did.  Oh, and the wine was delicious. 

all photos Laura Edria Tanis

So now it's Monday and I'm blah blah blah as my bank account dwindles.  Here are some much needed inspirational words for the day.  Enjoy :)