A Girl And Her Studies (67)

This is the FIRST piece I've finished in probably six or seven months.  And it feels awesome. And also awful.  And not awesomely awful.  

Selling a house, moving into temporary housing, moving to a new state, moving into more temporary house and then into our home all while being pregnant and having a baby has taking its toll on my creativity.  And not in terms of the urge to create being there, but more in terms of time.  

I'm hoping that things get easier and not harder with time.  But so far balancing baby and work is hard.  And although I didn't have expectations, I think it's harder than I expected.  Isn't it funny how those expectations somehow still creep in? 

But the main point of this all is - I finished a piece! And I have a happy, healthy, beautiful baby that I can't get enough of.  Now, if only I could lose that baby weight! 

Just A Girl And Her Sketchbook (37)

Home sweet home feels so good.  Having a baby makes home even that much sweeter.  We're in the constant dilemma week after week to stay homebodies or to venture off at least once each day.  Regardless of if we leave the house, we go on our walk everyday with our puppies and this fall has just been unbelievable so far.  There's nothing like some fresh air on a crisp, sunny day. Happy Wednesday all! 

Just A Girl And Her Legs (13)

I used to MAJORLY get the Sunday blues, but not it's more the Monday morning blues.  Which means Monday is the least productive day in this household.  But I'm learning to embrace it, and just kick butt Tuesday through Friday.  So let's make Mondays a little lazier, a little more fun, and a little something to look forward to. 

A Brainstorm A Day (Part Three)

The weather this fall has been absolutely beautiful, so I really can't miss summer.  I mean - the perfectly sunny and crisp days making our walks that much better.  Yay for fall.  But also yay for summer because I mean come on - who doesn't miss summer? 

Just A Girl And Her Paint (22)

I'm stilling riding the high of the most perfect fall weekend ever.  Sometimes Mondays absolutely stink, but on rare occasions, you can see that such a day is needed in order to see how great the other days can be.  

I'm still thinking weekends should be three days, but one can dream. And one SHOULD dream. Happy Monday...

A Brainstorm A Day (Part Two)

It's most definitely fall in terms of the weather and even though the days have been absolutely beautiful, my heart is still craving summer.  So - for now - a new brainstorm for a new series.  

Hey, what can I say? The summer has my heart. Happy Friday! 

Just A Girl And Her Legs (13)

I'm hoping October is the month to get back into me - into my work, into my exercise, into eating right, into finishing (or starting?) decorating the house and just into a routine of some sort.  So far, life after baby is exactly how I imagined it and at the same time exactly opposite of how I imagined it.  Which makes me happy that I really didn't have any sort of set expectations because I think I would be thoroughly disappointed by now. 

One thing I was not expecting, though, was falling more in love with this girl each day that passes when it already feels like I could never love her more than I already do. 

Ahh life, you're kind of awesome. 

Just A Girl And Her Sketchbook (34)

This week has felt chaotic and I'm ready to just get buried in my work, but the days just keep passing by too quickly before I can even pick up my camera or a paint brush.  I'm determined, though, that next week will be THE week. 

And please, that's not to say I'm not enjoying life.  Because me and my girl during the days rock.  And we were at the beach this weekend.  And it was beautiful.  And my husband rocks. So I'm really not complaining -- just missing my work.  And hey, missing something is good, right? 

Just A Girl And Her Paint (21)

I feel like I'm finally really fine-tuning my aesthetic, but it's sort of a funny position to be in. Because once you're there, things become safe and then it's hard to grow out of it.  So it's a continual evolution of discovering who you are in your work, where you want to be, getting to that place, and then branching out from it once you're there (even though it's where you want to be). 

Does the cycle ever end? I'm not sure if I'd even want it to if it could.  Because I mean that's sort of what it's all about, isn't it? Discovering yourself and then rediscovering yourself over and over again. 

A Brainstorm A Day

I still haven't quite pinned down this new series yet, but in the meantime, I'm trying to just keep brainstorming ideas.  Not all of them come to fruition, but the ones that do, those ones make me all kinds of happy.