Wedding: One Year Anniversary Pictures (Part 1)

As I already mentioned, I told my wonderful husband that I had lots of ideas for our one year anniversary pictures.  Like our

engagement pictures

, we took them ourselves with our handy dandy remote. While he was busy mowing the lawn, I was collecting lots of props - candles, cupcakes, lollipops, confetti, balloons, sparklers, bubbles, bubble gum, and water balloons.  And I think he thought I was kidding when I said the water balloons were waiting in the sink in powder room.  He's such a good sport :)

I wanted to do a bunch like the (faux) 


we attempted awhile back.  We still look at those pictures (some our hanging in our bedroom) and laugh, so we thought we'd try again.  Enter lollipops, candles, cupcakes, confetti, and bubblegum.

Only two more parts to go! Overkill, I know. BUT I CAN'T HELP IT. My bad.  Check in tomorrow and Thursday for balloons, sparklers, and water balloons. Then back to the normal blog schedule next week.

Happy Tuesday!

xo, Laura