Just A Girl And Her Shop

I've been trying to brainstorm what my next shop update is going to look like. As much as I want to stick to my core colors, I've been wondering if I should branch out of my comfort zone.  Pinks, reds, and oranges have been looking mighty good recently. 

Happy Friday! 

Just A Girl And Her Studies (59)

Currently slowly working on this diptych for my new Surface Studies series.  I thought I'd be getting a lot more work done in these days before the baby comes, but I am actually embracing the art of slow living and it feels really good.   Feeling thankful for this time and putting in the work when I feel it, but also taking the time to just be when I need it. 


Slowly but surely I have been adding images to my new Lookbook on my website. If you haven't checked it out yet, you can see it here.  

It somehow always seems time to update my website even if I just got finished with an update and it ALWAYS takes way longer than expected.  But hey, that's how life goes.  And life is feeling pretty good with those above blues.  Yum! 

Just A Girl And Her Paint (15)

The chaos of May has finally settled down (it was a crazy month) and I'm hoping this last week will be spent oceanside, even if it is still cold and rainy.  Can you even believe summer is just around the corner? This spring seemed NONEXISTENT, and although I am always happy to welcome summer, I feel cheated by spring this year. 

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We are finally settling in to rainy New Jersey days and stupidly, we kind of imagined this time as a nice three month vacation.  You know -- sunny weather, relaxing by the pool, going to the beach, reading lots of books.  So far, I've done none of those things, and also have managed to get no work done.  Moving is a process! And now it feels like we are in the homestretch of the baby coming (nine more weeks left!) and everything just feels, well, chaotic.  

So for now, I am just trying to embrace this weird, in between time.  One day in the near future we will be settled (with a crying newborn) and that day will feel SO good. Now - time for a hospital tour! 

Just A Girl And Her Sketchbook (17)

New Jersey hasn't given us the warmest welcome.  And no, not the people - they have been surprisingly lovely.  The weather.  Ugh, the weather.  It has been nonstop rain for a full week and it looks like we have another full week of it coming. 

To be honest, it's made the transition a bit more rough, but hey, I'm working on it.  And waiting for the sun.  It's not a bad place to be.  XO

Just A Girl And Her Legs (3)

This image, from a little over six months ago, is one of the few images that made me realize my legs were making a comeback (confused? Read about it here).  And in case you are one of those people who never clicks on a link, I am in no way talking about the physical shape of my legs! 

Anyway, it's so funny to look at this picture now, all these months later, and see everything that has changed.  Here my new studio space was freshly finished (completely unaware of the fact that we would be putting the house up for sale only weeks later).  My belly is tiny and completely empty (hello no baby and especially no baby bump).  And home was Virginia.  It's so funny how fast time goes and how quickly things change, but what's great is when change can be easily embraced because we all know that's not necessarily always the case.  I feel so grateful and inspired that in my current situation the change feels well welcomed.  

Here's to embracing change this Monday. 

Shop Update

While updating my site these past few months, I've finally decided to go ahead and bring my shop directly here, creating a more curated, small shop section with distinct dimensions and layouts.  And I must admit, I'm really happy I did so. 

So if you are ever currently looking for my available work, head over to my shop and see if there's something you like.  I'll be rotating the selection every few months or so, and will always include a variation of works - both old and new. 

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Just a few random pieces of some of my newer work.  I'm pretty terrible at remembering which pieces are new and which pieces are old because for the most part, as soon as I finish a piece, it feels like it's been part of the series for forever. 

Can anyone else relate? If not, maybe it's just EVERYTHING I currently have going on. Hello New Jersey, it's been awhile.  Really though, how much does the process of moving suck? Can't wait to be settled again! 

Just A Girl And Her Paint (14)

It was a hectic weekend and it's going to be a hectic week, BUT it's all exciting things.  We are officially in transit this week to New Jersey.  Let the moving (and transitioning) begin.  One transition down, one more to go, and hopes are that we are settled into a house all before our little girl arrives.  For the first time in five years, we will no longer be Virginia residents.  And it feels oddly normal. 

And guess what? Even though it can be stressful, it's very exciting.  And even though I may not be having as much time to create, the moments I do have are deeply treasured and I'm feeling more creative than ever before.  So here's to a happy, happy week!